A little background

I’ve been aware of spirit since I was little. In my teens I started to have vivid dreams seeing scenes through the eyes of others – bystanders, victims, those watching the news, spirit themselves who had passed over through incidents.   To find out more about some of my experiences and messages I’ve had please click here.

I was quite uncomfortable about this for years and tried to block out everything I was picking up, until I joined the Spiritual Development School near Watton in Norfolk, England, and everything just fell into place for me.

I joined a circle, discovered that this wasn’t all I could do, more importantly discovered the real essence of spirit – mine, others around me in this world, and those in spirit, and how to feel, read and interpret many things much better.

Importantly, I have been learning a new set of values which I feel have now better equipped me for the future, and a new set of skills which I can use to help others – through psychic, spiritual, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient means.

This will undoubtedly be a work in progress for me as long as I walk this earth, and I hope to continuously train and develop this throughout my lifetime and into spirit. In addition to a mediumship circle I am also in a trance circle and two physical mediumship groups. I’ve been attending courses the Arthur Findlay College for Psychic Sciences for three years now and on average spend two nights a week training in tutor groups in SDS home circles. I still consider myself a beginner in relation to some of the vastly experienced mediums out there, but having learned within a solid framework I’m passionate about working to a high standard and helping others where there is need for healing, comfort and greater understanding.

During this time I have been humbled by some of the tutors who have taught us, and some of the incredible mediums I’ve trained alongside. Their dedication to serving spirit continues to inspire and humble me daily. Probably known in development circles as an ‘all-rounder,’ I have a wide variety of interests, from psychic and spiritual mediumship, to trance, working for Spirit through written form, physical mediumship, oracle cards, Reiki healing, and Aura Soma. To find out what all of that means, click here.

In terms of how I work with it all at the moment, I’m writing for spirit as editor and publisher of a spiritual magazine, offer 1-2-1 readings, and written readings. To find out more click about readings please here.

To find out more about The Link Magazine, please click here.

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