How I work

All mediums work differently and for me it can definitely be different each time.  Energy and vibration are important elements to me, and bring much more information when making an initial connection. I can also often pick information up in the auric field, and very often a clairvoyant element will come in (meaning I can see things – people, objects, symbols, words, events and messages) or I will pick things up clairaudiently (I will be given words or sounds). Sometimes I will just simply know, or a thought is placed in my mind from the spirit world.

The Psychic Connection

Working psychically, I connect with you and what is going on in your world to help offer insight and understanding. It is very definitely not intended to foretell the future and should not be construed as such. I sometimes start readings using cards and a psychic connection but then spirit will join us and it will start to feel a little different. Sometimes I don’t use cards at all, that’s increasingly the case at present.  If you are uncomfortable with making a connection to passed loved ones please let me know as It is perfectly ok to ask for a psychic reading only.  That said, there really is nothing to be afraid of, I wouldn’t be a medium if there was!

A Spiritual Connection

This is where someone may step forward from the spirit world for you.  This could be someone you know, and doesn’t have to be the most obvious person.  Every so often my own guides will step in to help proceedings along too.

How should I prepare? What’s the protocol?

Please keep an open mind – we have to respect that you may not get contact with a specific person, but someone else may come forward and what they may have to say may be equally valuable to you.     You may need to think laterally too.  If you are given something you can’t take straight away, it may become obvious or more meaningful later. I’ll usually try and find another way to say something I feel to be important, in case the meaning clicks into place that way.   Although it’s important that we hear your voice so you interact with yes and no etc please try not to give me too much information, as the less we know the better in many cases.   Readings usually take around 45 minutes, but please allow a little more time just in case we need to over-run a little.  If there is more than one of you who would like a reading please book separate appointments.


I have a number of guides and helpers in spirit, some who are known to me and some I don’t need to know – I just feel their energy.  Depending on what’s needed during the sitting a particular guide can sometimes assist who works more in that field e.g. healing.  They all communicate to me in different ways using different reference points too, which is another reason things can be so different each time.  It’s very possible that one of your guides or helpers may assist too – that happens often and over the course of a few readings you may become familiar with them too, if you’re not already.

Something else to remember

Not every medium is right for every sitter (you) for a variety of reasons – that doesn’t happen very often but it’s sometimes not the right thing to carry on if all is not as it should be.  It happens to most mediums from time to time and it doesn’t mean the sitter has done anything wrong.

I reserve the right to call the session to a gentle halt at no cost to the sitter if that happens, and will happily recommend another medium who I think may work well for you.


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